Status is an account platform that sits on top of Shopify’s account system to provide a better experience for customers.


Installing the base product is automatic. Some features require minor additional setup, usually covered during onboarding.

App Instance

On page load, we create an instance of the Status Accounts app and assign it to a global variable (window.StatusAccounts). This app instance can be used to access information about the app and about the current customer.

Accessing app properties

App properties become available once the Status Accounts app loads. Utilize our custom event system to detect app initialization and data loading through the status:loaded event.

if (!window.StatusAccounts?.customer) {
	document.addEventListener('status:loaded', (event) => {

Key app properties


This is a reference to the Status App element. This is initially null and will be updated when the app is finished loading.


This is an object that contains information about the current customer. For anonymous users, this will be a very limited data set, denoted by a checkmark in the anonymous column.

Key Type Description Anonymous
id number The Shopify customer id
firstName string null The customer’s first name
lastName string null The customer’s last name
email string The customer’s email
phone string null The customer’s phone
tags string[] A list of tags associated with the customer
addresses object[] A list of the customer’s addresses
recentlyViewedProducts string[] A list of Shopify product ids
