Status brings a new signed-in shopping experience to customers with saved shopping history, order management, and preferences. The Welcome Series is a perfect touch point to highlight the benefits of signed-in shopping & drive more sign-ins.

Audience Welcome Series; all customers that are not tagged with #status-customer
Timing Within your Welcome Series where you feel the email is best placed


  1. Reveal the benefits of having an account. There are many things your account can do, but most aren’t immediately apparent to new customers:
    1. Earn reward points.
    2. Shop your recently viewed products.
    3. Save your cart history.
    4. Build lists of your favorite products.
    5. Quickly track orders & submit returns.
    6. Manage your subscriptions.
    7. Remain signed-in for up to 28 days.
  2. Highlight a screenshot of your account. Show the customer what your account looks like when it’s full of products, with a points balance, and a past order.
  3. Call-to-action. After revealing the benefits of an account, drive sign-in with a clear cta.
    1. Sign-in to your account → Link to Status using your url with /#status at the end


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