Customer preferences are zero-party data points stored as metafields in Shopify. These preferences will appear in your customer's account at With our Klaviyo: Setup Guide, you can sync these preferences with their respective profiles in Klaviyo.

Add a customer preference

We have provided default customer preferences to help you get started. You can modify the names and options to any of them. Check out the full list here.

  1. From your Status admin, go to Preferences
  2. Click Add preference.
  3. Select the customer preference you want to add from the modal.
  4. Configure the customer preference based on your preferred settings.
  5. Click Save.

Create a new customer preference

If one of our default customer preferences does not suit you, you can create a custom preference instead.

  1. From your Status admin, go to Preferences

  2. Click Add preference.

  3. Click Create preference at the bottom of the modal.

  4. Configure the preference based on your preferred settings.

    Type Description
    Single choice Allows selection of a single option from a list.
    Multiple choice Enables selection of one or multiple options from a list.
    Text Provides a field for a brief text input, ideal for a sentence.
    Checkbox Offers a binary choice, toggleable between two states.
    Date Enables selection of a specific date from a calendar.
    Number Accepts a numerical input restricted to a single number.
    Measurement Allows input of a numerical value accompanied by a unit.
  5. Click Save.